By: Jess Boozel
Don’t go home and stay in Shippensburg from Thursday, October 13th to Sunday, October 16th for homecoming festivities with the university.
Homecoming tailgating will be held Saturday, October 15th behind Seth Grove Stadium. Tailgating spots can be requested by university departments, student clubs, and alumni organizations, these spots are located behind the stadium in the “fan zone.”
The “fan zone” is a pedestrian lot only for groups/departments/organizations. You may use a vehicle to unload your things at your spot from 8:30 A.M. to 9 A.M. No vehicles are permitted in the area after 9 A.M. If you arrive after 9 A.M. to set up your tailgating spot, you will be asked to walk your items to your spot. To reserve your spot, use this link: https://ship.campusgroups.com/click?linkid=22e7813f-5c1e-4448-9e80-01a2761b03e8. If you are a student group registering for a tailgating spot, you must also register a parade entry to permit alcoholic beverages in your tailgating space.
After 12 years, the homecoming parade will be making a return! Alumni, students, and departments are encouraged to enter. So, get your friend group, clubs, and organizations together! Your group can enter a walking unit or decorate a vehicle. You can enter by going to https://ship.campusgroups.com/click?linkid=430a4b38-80b3-47f2-be2e-70617e6ba77d.
The homecoming parade will be held prior to tailgating Saturday, October 15th at 10 A.M.