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Beam of Sunshine on the Student Body

Updated: May 10

Austin Bryner 5/9/24

Many college students take part in organizations or clubs during their time at college, but some don’t always leave as big of an impact on the student body as Adam Beam.

Beam, a Senior graduating this May, is associated with many student organizations on the campus of Shippensburg University. Contributing to the organizations since he was a freshman, Beam was recently just the General Manager of SUTV. In this position, he was tasked with coming up with story ideas then getting them out to the reporters and coordinating getting everything ready for a broadcast. He produced many award-winning pieces during his tenure in the position, including a 12-hour Halloween Charity livestream last semester.

At this year’s Keystone Media Awards Beam would come away with five awards for his work that he had done for SUTV and The Slate over the past year, he would provide his thoughts on achieving this feat.

“It's a real delight. I have always wanted to submit, but for one reason or another decided not to, but this year being my last I wanted to go for it. And to be recognized for my hard work is always nice, but the specific work recognized was extra special to me and I am grateful that it was seen as award-worthy, said Beam”

Shippensburg University Television (SUTV) isn’t the only organization Beam has made an impact with. He was also the Opinion Editor for The Slate, Human Resource Director for WSYC, and the President of the Resident Hall Association since 2022. As the President of RHA alongside the other leadership members are in charge of all the hall counsels as well as the residence halls and all the students on campus. He was also the man who would plan the events they held throughout the semester and then coordinate with the executive board and adviser to make those events happen. As the Opinion editor for The Slate Beam was responsible for collecting articles for his section, editing them, and then giving the finished and edited articles to the copyeditors for more editing. After copyediting, Beam got the articles back and then put them into the print newspaper. Alongside with being a DJ for the radio station, Beam’s job as the HR Director he worked the members and ensured that operations ran smoothly week-to-week.

Beam’s impact on the media organizations and its students across the entire campus can be seen far and wide.

Adviser for Beam, Dhiman Chattopadhyay, a professor of Journalism and Communication, had nothing but positive things to say about Beam and the work he has done throughout his time at the university.

“Adam is not only my student, but he is also my advisee! He's taken a few classes with me, mostly in his freshman and sophomore years. Adam's character? Well, he is some character!! That I can tell you.

I really don't know how to sum this guy in a sentence. In many ways Adam is exceptional - in his work ethic, in his creative ideas, in his leadership, and in his multifaceted talents. But in other ways he is the everyday guy – having fun, forgetting to submit assignments, needing two reminders to respond to an email, making me tear my hair in despair when he does not live up to his potential – basically your everyday college kid.

When you punch these two contradictory characters together what you get is a great example of what ANY college student can do, if they have the willingness to succeed and follow through on their dreams. Everyone has dreams. Most of us do not dare to follow our dreams. Adam did, and the result is there to see,” said Chattopadhyay.

A colleague of Beam, Senior Allyson Ritchey spoke highly of Beam’s work ethic and commitment to his work throughout his time in college.

“Adam’s the hardest worker I know when he is passionate about something. He’s raised the standard for CJM students for years to come and will be very much missed. I am so so so so proud of him. He has grown exponentially in the time I have gotten to work with him. Being his partner for projects such as SUTV’s and The Slate’s coverage of former president trump has been some of my biggest highlights, and I am so honored to have gotten to work alongside him,” said Ritchey.

James Lohrey, professor of Journalism and Communications at Shippensburg University, provided his insight on the impact Beam has left behind the student organizations across campus.

“His impact has been tremendous. He has provided great support in the post-Covid years, especially with SUTV as the station manager. His work has been impeccable and his motivation has been outstanding. I would say he is one of the best students ever who has been involved with the various student organizations,” said Lohrey.

After four years at Shippensburg University, it is now time for Beam to move on to bigger and better things but not before he has left a huge impact on the Shippensburg student body, student organizations, and professors. Beam has now accepted an offer to join KRIS 6 news in Corpus Christi, Texas after graduation to become a multi-media journalist, and is set to start as soon as June 3.

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